You know, I love the magic of storytelling, because everyone has a unique story to tell. I explore the reasons behind why people might act in or make decisions that do both professionally and personally.
It’s all about understanding what drives
the behavior, creating possibilities
and causing opportunities..

I want to understand why people do
stupid shit.

A Conversation

on Human Behavior

Listen. Talk. Connect. is a TEDx  on "how to" have the important conversations. Meet Leslie Wingo, the driving force behind Sanders\Wingo. Her unwavering determination and proven success have been integral to our company’s growth.Sanders\Wingo emphasizes understanding human behavior, decoding their decision-making processes, and delivering high-impact marketing and communications strategies through the power of storytelling.



Leadership, advocacy, and storytelling are the central themes of my career—and of my life in general. I strive to be a transparent, approachable leader who empowers others, connecting people with ideas and great brands.

As a speaker, I fight stereotypes, challenge labels, expose bias, and start the tough conversations around race and gender. I use my platform for advocacy, raising up marginalized voices and championing women and minorities. In my talks, I combine data with compelling stories, to inspire audiences on how to strike the rhythm between technology with humanity—and how to integrate diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging into their businesses in a way that truly makes a difference. It’s about making a positive impact, one talk and one conversation at a time.

Are you building a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive brand? Have a great story to tell?

Reach out and let’s talk.

People hate two things; change and the way things are.

I am Writing
book about my Coworkers

Well, my kids that is. This is not a business book, nor is about leveling up management or how to create DEI+B initiatives. This book is about how we can each show up and be beautifully complex, messy, wonderful and lovely humans.


01. Humanity: The Hart™ of Powerful Storytelling.

02. Creative Solutions Using Weekend Language

03. Failing Forward: Embrace Mistakes